We are pleased to inform you that the MAGS - Metropolitan Area Geriatrics Society is hosting its annual Dr. Jeffrey Escher Memorial Research Night
on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm on Zoom.
Clinical fellows in geriatrics, palliative care, and other subspecialty programs are encouraged to submit their abstract(s) on their scholarly work pertaining to the care of older adults in the areas of research (clinical or educational), quality improvement, and case reports/series.
Abstract submission:
- The format for Research and Quality Improvement projects should include: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion
- The format for Case Reports and Case Series should include: Background, Case Presentation, Discussion, and Conclusion
- The character limit is 2650, including spaces
- Each fellow may submit a maximum of two (2) abstracts for consideration
- Abstracts previously presented at national meetings like the AGS, GSA, SGIM, AAHPM, ACP etc. are welcome
- The abstract submission deadline is April 1, 2023
- Fellows should send their abstract(s) as an attachment to MAGSadmin@gmail.com
with the subject line “Abstract Submission”
* Submission fees: Free for MAGS members / $50 for non-members
* Selected abstracts will be invited to give an oral presentation with a maximum of 5 slide PPT on May 24, 2023
The winners will be announced following the event.